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Research Focuses

Digitising cultural heritage objects

Digitising cultural heritage objects is at the heart of AUTOMATA’s mission, aiming to revolutionize how archaeological finds are documented and studied.

Traditionally, the documentation of artefacts like ceramics and lithics has been a manual, time-consuming, and costly process. As a result, many valuable archaeological items remain inaccessible to scholars and the public due to the sheer scale of collections stored in museums and warehouses.

AUTOMATA seeks to tackle this issue by employing cutting-edge technology, including AI-augmented robotics and advanced sensors, to enable the rapid and efficient digitization of these artefacts. The project not only focuses on creating digital records but also enriches these records with archaeometric data, such as material composition and microstructural properties. These enhanced digital representations provide scholars with a deeper understanding of the artefacts, facilitating research into ancient technologies, trade networks, and cultural interactions.

Ultimately, AUTOMATA’s objective is to democratize access to archaeological data, ensuring that institutions of all sizes can participate in preserving and studying cultural heritage​.

Involved partners

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT – IT)

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a scientific research centre established in 2003. IIT develops multidisciplinary scientific activities with a strong technology transfer approach.

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QBrobotics srl (QR – IT)

qbrobotics is an Italian company founded in 2011 as a research and development company active in the robotics field as producer of innovative devices implementing the soft-robotics technology such as robotic hands, grippers for robots and cobots, and VSA actuators.

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This section will be completed during the project’s implementation.

Work packages

This research focus is related more specifically with AUTOMATA WP3 (Robotic automation system development – Hardware and Grasp Planning) and 4 (Robotic automation system development – Sensing Integration and Simulation)