Archiving and preserving data
Long-term archiving and preservation of archaeological data is a critical objective for the AUTOMATA project. As digitization efforts increase, ensuring the sustainability and accessibility of this data becomes paramount.
AUTOMATA is committed to adhering to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles to ensure that the vast amount of digital information generated is not only preserved but also remains usable for future generations. The project will create a robust data archiving system that allows for the seamless integration of digitized artefacts into existing digital repositories. This includes ensuring that the data can be easily retrieved and understood by both current and future researchers. The archiving process also supports the preservation of metadata, such as contextual information about where and how the artefacts were found, which is crucial for historical research.
By developing standards for data preservation, AUTOMATA ensures that the digitized cultural heritage objects will remain a valuable resource for decades to come, safeguarding the knowledge embedded in these artefacts from potential loss due to degradation or destruction.
Involved partners
This section will be completed during the project’s implementation.
Work packages (WP)
This research focus is related more specifically with AUTOMATA WP10 (Data Management and Curation)