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Archaeology focuses on material culture, revealing the stories embedded in objects, offering insights into technology, daily life, relationships, the environment, and human histories. However, the labour intensive process of documenting and classifying finds, despite digitization efforts, restricts access to countless artefacts, thus limiting the creation and sharing of knowledge.




The project

The “AUTOMated enriched digitisation of Archaeological liThics and cerAmics” project (AUTOMATA) seeks to enhance the documentation and analysis of archaeological objects by enabling low-cost and time-efficient digitisation. This cutting-edge collaborative scheme, supported by the EU programme Horizon Europe for the period 2024-2029, is implemented by a network of excellence composed of 12 academic and non-academic organisations from 7 countries, placed under the coordination of the University of Pisa (IT).

More about the project

The consortium

AUTOMATA is implemented by a network of excellence composed of 12 academic and non-academic organisations from 7 countries (Italy, France, Croatia, Israel, Spain, Belgium and the United Kingdom), placed under the coordination of the University of Pisa.

More about the consortium

The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH)

The Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH) is a shared platform designed to provide heritage professionals and researchers with access to data, scientific resources, training, and advanced digital tools tailored to suit their needs. This platform is developed by ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science), a project funded by the European Commission and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) that brings together fragmented communities of the Cultural Heritage field into a new community around the Digital Commons.

More about the ECCCH